Art Theory and Artificial Intelligence in Greece
by Mariana Ziku
A documentation of 30 years of cross-disciplinary research with dialog between Poly Kasda and John Kontos.
In this years conference “Taboo, Transgression, Transcendence in Art & Science” (26-28 May 2017, Ionian University, Corfu Greece) I presented an essay in an html format on the intersection of art theory and artificial intelligence in Greece through a case study and a critical approach.
You can browse the html presentation here:

Snippet from the film documentary ‘The adventures of the eye’ (Οι περιπέτειες του ματιού) by Poly Kasda, directed by Marc Gastine, TV show Periskopio, Athens, Hellenic Radio Television, 1986
The paper -soon to be included in the conference proceedings- is a follow up of my theoretical research in the cross-disciplinary field of art theory and artificial intelligence.
You can read the abstract below and the full paper in Academia:
Art Theory and Artificial Intelligence in Greece: A documentation of 30 years of cross-disciplinary research with dialog between Poly Kasda and John Kontos
Art Theory and Artificial Intelligence in Greece: A documentation of 30 years of cross-disciplinary research with dialog between Poly Kasda and John Kontos
AbstractThe essay aims to bring forward the ongoing collaboration of artist-writer Poly Kasda and professor of artificial intelligence John Kontos, who marked the beginning of the art theory, consciousness and artificial intelligence discourse in Greece in the mid 80’s, based on an original research.
To this end, the essay outlines three projects of Kasda‒Kontos collaboration in the course of 30 years, which explored the intersection of their threefold field of endeavor:
- The film documentary ‘The Adventures of the Eye’ (1986)
- Kasda’s book publication ‘The Conscious Eye: Art – Perception – Informatics’ (1988)
- Kasda–Kontos’ joint book publication ‘Artificial Intelligence Professor John Kontos needles Poly Kasda’s “Conscious Eye”: Perception – Consciousness – Diegesis – Discovery – Creativity’ (2015).
In respect to Kasda–Kontos’ research in process, I will attempt a critical reflection between art theory, consciousness studies and artificial intelligence, stressing in particular the concepts of myth and mythical thought, which Kasda has explored persistently with original contributions through her long-term project Myth/Network (1990-2017).
art theory, artificial intelligence, consciousness, Poly Kasda, John Kontos, introspection, myth
art theory, artificial intelligence, consciousness, Poly Kasda, John Kontos, introspection, myth