

poly kasda doodling her inter-projects' "waiting factor"

 https://plus.google.com/u/0/collection/cEapMF @polykasda


PolyXene Kasda, Egypt-born, ‘neither-artist-nor-writer’ Greek homo sentient, studied Fine Arts at the Soeur Hermann Besancon workshop in Alexandria, Physics - Chemistry in A.U.C Cairo and Psychology - Sociology in ACG Athens. In her long artistic and writing career she has been haunted by Something Essential Missing (Kasda, SEM 90), the transcendence (Xene) / immanence (Poly) interface, liminality, spectrality, myth, the intangible and perception in art, consistently occupied with the improvisation of new materials (PXK ) and metissian processes of space generation, experimenting with forms of Agro-Social Action Generative Art  (Kasda, Uranias Gardens 09-17)  and visionary pragmatism (Visionary Art  Life Achievement Award 17). She is an international multi-awarded artist. Her latest artwork was Twixt Cup and Lip, Surfing on the WB legendary spaces, a 200X1000 cm painting+digital print installation for the Biennale of the West Balkans 2018 Greece.Her book “The Conscious Eye: Art-Perception-Informatics” (1986) marks the beginning of the art theory and artificial intelligence discourse in Greece (Zikou, 2017).
Poly in Austin Texas Oct. 2018


"Μητιόεντα τεχνάσματα στο Τρίτο Γένος"

"Μητιόεντα τεχνάσματα στο Τρίτο Γένος" δεκαπεντάλεπτη εισήγηση της Πόλυ Κασδά αύριο Σάββατο 14/4, στις 11 το πρωί, στο Sυμπόσιο Aνεξάρτητης Tέχνης, στο ΕΜΣΤ (πρώην ΦΙΞ).
