

International Pincotheque of Gergeri, Crete

Messakos Watermill2
On the window, work on Plexiglass by Alessandro Cardinale, Venise, Italy

The Foyer1, photo by Dores Sacquegna Italy

The Foyer1
Work by Angioletta DeNitto, Mesagne, Brindisi, Italy,
courtesy of Primo Piano Living Gallery, Lecce, Italy

The Foyer1
Sculpture by Gheorge Zaharia, Romania
and painting of the trace of a meteorite in Gergeri by Bassiliki Sofra from Athens

Le Foyer1
Scuplture by Christos Alevras from Thessaloniki,Greece, paintings by Alberto Casiragay from Leche, Italy, Dev Udaiyan from India and B. Sofra from Athens Greece