First issue of "Poesia e Spiritualita" with Polyxene's Kasda work ANTHROPOS appearing on the cover
The Journal Poesia e Spiritualità joins Urania’ s Gardens http://rivistapoesiaespiritualita.blogspot.com/
This journal, which is issued every six months, was founded in 2007 by the Italian poet and writer Donatella Bisutti, along with a considerable group of poets, philosophers, psychoanalysts, anthropologists, writers and artists, with the purpose of exploring, in a broad sense, new spiritual values of life and to fill a gap in this materialistic age. It is a multidisciplinary approach with an aim to propose poetry as a privileged instrument of knowledge, keeping in sight the historical review founded by Henry Michaux, Hermès, in XXc France
Even though, Poesia e Spiritualità, is highly scientific, it addresses itself not only to professional readers but to all those who are interested in cultural subjects and are looking for the development of their own personal spiritual life.The first two issues of the journal were presented at a Round Table in the annual meeting of Torino e Spiritualità, last September in Turin, represented, besides the Editor, by famous poets like Franco Loi, who are among the regular contributors of Poesia e Spiritualita.
The journal has also been presented in December 08, in Paris at the Maison de l’Italie, with the participation of poets Bernard Noël and Guy Goffette, Its coming presentations are scheduled, for next February, at the Columbia University in NewYork, at the Lisbon University and the Isitituto Italiano di Cultura next April, to be followed by a presentation at the Parliament House Library of Roma, the Bulgarian Embassy and the Istituti Italiani di Cultura in Stockholm and other places of our world.The journal has appealed to many important cultural representatives from all over the world such as Unesco member Pietro Laureano, poet Adonis, the founder of Agroecology Pierre Rabhi, the historians Franco Cardini, Michel Roquebert and Francesco Zambon, the psychiatrist Eugenio Borgna, the writer Avraham Burg, the theologian Leonardo Boff.and has established links with many Countries through their Cultural Associations, Foundations and Reviews as:TorinoSpiritualità, ItalyAssociation Culturelle Les Fioretti, Saorge, FranceRivista Amastra-N-Gallat, Galizia, SpainMaison des Ecrivains, Rabat, MaroccoDipartimento Educazione Castello di Rivoli, Torino, ItalyFondazione per il Libro, la Musica e la Cultura, Settore Istruzione, Fiera del libro, TorinoArtooth, Independent Artists Network, GreeceEvery issue contains a Dossier on a particular subject to be explored by essayists , poets and artists. On the occasion of the World Year of Astronomy, the Journal Poesia e Spiritualità has planned to join the project Urania’ Gardens, proposed by its contributor writer and artist Polyxene Kasda and by writer and physicist Poly Hatjimanolaki and to dedicate its next issue to astronomy with contributions from the Italian area with special regard to the Italian famous scientist Galileo Galilei, a large choice of whose private correspondence has just been published in Italy.
This journal, which is issued every six months, was founded in 2007 by the Italian poet and writer Donatella Bisutti, along with a considerable group of poets, philosophers, psychoanalysts, anthropologists, writers and artists, with the purpose of exploring, in a broad sense, new spiritual values of life and to fill a gap in this materialistic age. It is a multidisciplinary approach with an aim to propose poetry as a privileged instrument of knowledge, keeping in sight the historical review founded by Henry Michaux, Hermès, in XXc France
Even though, Poesia e Spiritualità, is highly scientific, it addresses itself not only to professional readers but to all those who are interested in cultural subjects and are looking for the development of their own personal spiritual life.The first two issues of the journal were presented at a Round Table in the annual meeting of Torino e Spiritualità, last September in Turin, represented, besides the Editor, by famous poets like Franco Loi, who are among the regular contributors of Poesia e Spiritualita.
The journal has also been presented in December 08, in Paris at the Maison de l’Italie, with the participation of poets Bernard Noël and Guy Goffette, Its coming presentations are scheduled, for next February, at the Columbia University in NewYork, at the Lisbon University and the Isitituto Italiano di Cultura next April, to be followed by a presentation at the Parliament House Library of Roma, the Bulgarian Embassy and the Istituti Italiani di Cultura in Stockholm and other places of our world.The journal has appealed to many important cultural representatives from all over the world such as Unesco member Pietro Laureano, poet Adonis, the founder of Agroecology Pierre Rabhi, the historians Franco Cardini, Michel Roquebert and Francesco Zambon, the psychiatrist Eugenio Borgna, the writer Avraham Burg, the theologian Leonardo Boff.and has established links with many Countries through their Cultural Associations, Foundations and Reviews as:TorinoSpiritualità, ItalyAssociation Culturelle Les Fioretti, Saorge, FranceRivista Amastra-N-Gallat, Galizia, SpainMaison des Ecrivains, Rabat, MaroccoDipartimento Educazione Castello di Rivoli, Torino, ItalyFondazione per il Libro, la Musica e la Cultura, Settore Istruzione, Fiera del libro, TorinoArtooth, Independent Artists Network, GreeceEvery issue contains a Dossier on a particular subject to be explored by essayists , poets and artists. On the occasion of the World Year of Astronomy, the Journal Poesia e Spiritualità has planned to join the project Urania’ Gardens, proposed by its contributor writer and artist Polyxene Kasda and by writer and physicist Poly Hatjimanolaki and to dedicate its next issue to astronomy with contributions from the Italian area with special regard to the Italian famous scientist Galileo Galilei, a large choice of whose private correspondence has just been published in Italy.