

Code Lexomorphes: Speaking sculptures and linguistic games based on the ancient Greek codification of language

Poly Kasda, synthesis of the 4 Greek words: ΨΥΧΗ, ΕΛΠΙΔΑ, ΟΝΟΜΑ, ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΣ

Code Lexomorphes 1991- 2009 -2015-: Poly Kasda's Speaking sculptures and linguistic games generated by the numerical modeling of Greek words based on the Ancient Greek mathematical codification of language. 

Participated in:
Structuralist exhibition Homage a Stazewski Concept/ Form, Municipal Center of Athens 1991.
Congress on Greek Language 2009, Old Parliament of Athens, org. Chamber of Fine Arts of Greece.

Lexomorphe ΧΡΥΣΑΛΛΙΣ

'Sometimes, a Word opens its gargling ‘mouth’ in the midst of our ordinary reality, swallowing us in its resonant belly, in which we shed our skin, peeling and molting according to its image. Thus, language is incarnated over and over again. P. Kasda, Art-Act, Athens, 2OO5.

Lexomorphic Public Speaking Sculptures:
Lexomorphe ΧΡΥΣΑΛΛΙΣ monumental sculpture hosted the Olympic Flame in Heroon Square, Floisvos, Athens 2004-2010.
A twin ΧΡΥΣΑΛΛΙΣ monument hosted “the Flame of Peace” in a green replica of the Palmanova-ring city of Leucosia,  Lemar junction, North Leucosia, Cyprus 2005-2010.
Lexomorphe ΨYXH, Gergeri park, Crete 2009.

Polyxene Kasda-Anna Sitra, synthesis of Lexomorphes for architectural applications

Relevant articles:

P. Kasda, Code Lexomorphes, the iconic dimension of Greek languagePoesia e Spiritualita review, Milan, Ιταλία 2007.
P. Kasda, Chrysalis/Grail, Reflections of an Object of Truth, Verita e Dubbio 2004. XVII  Bienale di Poesia di Alessandria, Joker, Italy 200
P. Kasda, project Myth/network, Τετάρτη Αποστολική, Municipal Pinacotheque of Athens1994-
Dedication to Polyxene Kasda, Project Myth/ Network, Tyflomyga review, Athens 2003- 
Koza-Bans Atesi, Lefkosa Turk Belidiyesi 2005,
P. Kasda, The Chrysalis Grail in the last divided capital of the world, Odysseus revue, Italy 2007.
P. Kasda, “The Chrysalis Grail In Memoriam Vasιile Avram”, Tribuna Sibiu, Romania 11-5-2004].